- All products are pre-checked for quality and defects before they are shipped. In spite of our best efforts, if you find the product delivered is damaged kindly email the customer care for Return procedure within 24hours of delivery. The decision to accept returns rests solely with the Clothing by Kamaara Team.
- Once the products are shipped no returns will be accepted unless the above mentioned details stand true.
- If the product is disliked by the customer it is not eligible for return or exchange.
- The photos of all products are taken under neutral lighting conditions, and we make the best possible effort to reproduce the exact product color. Sometimes the colors may look different due to the temperature of your monitor and/or device settings.
- Please ensure that products are returned in original condition and packaging in order to get your full credit. Kindly note that this is a non-negotiable policy.
- Once our team decides to accept the request, it shall take a week’s time to refund.
- If you receive your order in a parcel and packaging that appears to have been tampered with, damaged or is in an unsealed condition, you are advised NOT to accept such a parcel and DO NOT open the package. Kindly immediately get in touch with us at info@clothingbykamaara.com
Exchanges are thoroughly not accepted on any grounds including color deviations. The product photographs may look different at times due to temperature of your monitor and/or device settings. We aim to produce the exact same color and also assist in providing daylight pictures when requested.
Cancellations of order are eligible only before the product is shipped. We strives to make our users well informed regarding the product details and pricing and also believes in helping its customers choose the best and appropriate product as far as possible, and has therefore a liberal Cancellation Policy.
Under this policy:
- Cancellations will be considered only if the request is made within 12 hours of placing an order. A cancellation request in the form of written email with valid reason or a call to our customer service is pre-requisite.
- Refund will be done within 7-10 working days in the case of online payments done through Credit/Debit/Net banking facility.